Huiqiang Xie

Associate Professor
College of Information Science and Technology, Jinan University

Office: Nanhai Building, Room 730
Email: huiqiangxie at
Google Scholar / Github

Short Bio

I am an Associate Professor in College of Information Science and Technology at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. I received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from Queen Mary University of London, UK, in 2023. From 2023 to 2024, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou Campus. My research is in wireless communications and machine learning.

News :
[March, 2024]: Our paper entitled "Towards Intelligent Communications: Large Model Empowered Semantic Communications" has been accepted by IEEE Communication Magazine.
[Updated]: I recently joined Jinan University as an Associate Professor.
[Best Paper Awards]: The lab is humbled to have received recent best paper awards from IEEE SPS'23, IEEE ICC'23.

Selected Publications

Towards Intelligent Communications: Large Model Empowered Semantic Communications

H. Xie, Z. Qin, X. Tao, Z. Han

IEEE Communication Magazine, Accepted, 2024


Semantic Communication With Memory

H. Xie, Z. Qin, G.Y. Li

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 2658-2669, Aug. 2023

[Arxiv] [IEEE]

Task-oriented multi-user semantic communications

H. Xie, Z. Qin, X. Tao, K.B. Letaief

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 2584-2597, Sept. 2022

[Arxiv] [IEEE]

Deep learning enabled semantic communication systems

H. Xie, Z. Qin, G.Y. Li, B.H. Juang

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 2663-2675, Apr. 2021

Best Paper Award, [Arxiv] [IEEE] [Code]

A Lite Distributed Semantic Communication System for Internet of Things

H. Xie, Z. Qin

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 142-153, Jan. 2021

[Arxiv] [IEEE] [Code]